Upon arrival in Stöðvarfjörður, I immediately set upon finding rocks to carve. There was one just east of town that they used to shatter for gravel. There was one out by the point, but that is the protected Harp Rock. I found a beautiful vein running from the road to the water, but I learned those beauties are on private property. We pitched the landowners, all 13 of them, but those rocks are probably non-starters.
So, Saturday, I set out again on the ‘land of many owners’ which is controlled by the municipality. The rock are not a big or smooth as the rocks of the 13 Owners, but they will do nicely. I hiked, photographed, and plotted on the map. The photos below are some of the options that I requested a permit from the Municipality. Fingers are crossed while I bide my time in idleness.

#RockArt #Hiking #Petroglyphs