Quartz Write-Up on Drone Rugs

Quartz wrote about my history with collecting Afghanistan war rugs and the rise in popularity of drone images. Check it out here. It includes the Red, White, and Blue Drone Rug, the Predator Drone Rug, Red Rug 13, Abstract WTC 9/11 Afghan War Rug #2, Bomber Helicopter Style War Rug, the Beautiful Afghan Province Map Rug, and the WTC rug all of which can be explored in detail on Warrug.com.

NPR and The World also did a couple write ups on the subject. It’s nice to see War Rugs getting some interest in the public sphere.

Annmarie Sculpture Garden Press

After completing the Annmarie Sculpture Garden petroglyphs, a few write ups were completed. The carvings were commissioned by The Art Center in Maryland, all contributing artists were written into this exhibition post, including my work which details the process a bit. The Leader and The Baynet also wrote about the petroglyphs at Annmarie Sculpture Garden.