This morning an article on Slashdot about Hubble confirming the observation of a Dutch school teacher inspired me to post my first carving in Berkeley. The image above is the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). It was carved in late December 2010 near the ceiling of the garage in which I am working in North Berkeley, CA.
Some people ask me why I carve things like Hubble. The answer is because its *awesome* data offers us unprecedented new understanding (and view) of Nature. One example of this amazing data is the photo, below, of Hanny’s Voorwerp (Hanny’s Object), the green mass at bottom. Hanny is the Dutch schoolteacher.
Credit: NASA/ESA/William Keel, Univ. of Alabama/the Galaxy Zoo team
Fantastic !
es fascinante yo haré una en su honor soy escultor amo la astronomía y agradezco a huble estas maravillosas imágenes que estarán gravadas en mi memoria por siempre.
what is the carving made of what is it made of and what isthe dimention of it?